Freelance writing markets are publications, businesses or organizations that will purchase written manuscripts from writers or give writing assignments to freelance writers.

There are many different types of writing markets. Historically many freelance writers would work with just one type of writing market, for example, magazines. Now, especially due to the Internet and online communication, it is common for freelance writers to diversify and work for several types of writing markets.

Writing markets may include:

  • magazines
  • newspapers
  • web sites
  • publishing houses
  • ezines and newsletters
  • businesses
  • charities
  • greeting card companies
  • and more.

As you can see, freelance writers can be hired to write many different types of material. However many freelance writers get started by writing articles for freelance writing markets such as magazines, newspapers, and web sites. These are probably still the most popular types of writer markets.

There are thousands of writing markets that you can work with as a freelance writer. At Worldwide Freelance Writer we list 2,500+ writing markets in our markets database.

Gary McLaren

Gary McLaren is the founder of Worldwide Freelance. For more than 25 years, he has been helping authors and freelance writers through his websites, books and other online resources.

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