Cambridge Quarterly, The

The journal devotes itself principally to literary criticism and its fundamental aim to take a critical look at accepted views. The Cambridge Quarterly also regularly publishes articles on music, cinema, painting and sculpture.


A student-run biannual literary magazine at the University of Montana, dedicated to land health and cultural resilience in the American West. They welcome submissions of nonfiction, fiction, poetry, art and photography. Non-paying market.

Pivot Magazine

The flagship publication of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. It is published 10 times a year in English and French editions and delivered to all Canadian chartered accountants and CA students. Rates paid to freelance writers vary.

Cadet Quest

A Christian-oriented magazine for boys ages 9 to 14, published seven times per year by the Calvinist Cadet Corps, a ministry of over 500 boys’ clubs throughout churches in the United States and Canada. Looking for fiction stories; articles about sports …