Girl’s Life

A magazine for 10 to 15-year-old girls. Each issue is packed with real information and advice on: growing up, guys, health and fitness, academic success, peer pressure, time-management, self-esteem, beauty, fashion etc. Paying market.

German Life

A bimonthly magazine, written for all interested in the diversity of German culture, past and present, and in the various ways that the United States has been shaped by its German element. Also travel related material. Here is the previous pay informat …

Georgia Review, The

The University of Georgia’s journal of arts and letters, published quarterly since 1947. Publishes an eclectic blend of essays, fiction, poetry, graphics, and book reviews. Pays $50 per printed page for prose and $4 per line for poetry. No submissions …


A literary publication. Prefers electronic submissions. Send poetry and fiction in the body of an email, not as an attachment. Only reads manuscripts during the summer, between late May and early September. Pay is one copy.