Quilting ArtsQuarterly magazine. Whether you consider yourself an art quilter, embellished quilter, crazy quilter, wearable art artist, or mixed media artist, Quilting Arts strives to meet your creative needs. Interested in articles concerning contemporary art quil … |
Quill & QuireThe monthly magazine of the Canadian book trade, reaching an audience of primarily publishers, booksellers, librarians, and writers. Publishes both short (300- to 1,200-word) and long (up to 3,000-word) news and feature articles about the business of w … |
Transitions OnlineTransitions (TOL) is a nonprofit organization established to strengthen the professionalism, independence and impact of the news media in the post-communist countries of Europe and the former Soviet Union, through a combination of journalism and media … |
Queen’s QuarterlyA multidisciplinary quarterly journal from Queens University in Ontario. Publishes unpublished articles, essays, reviews, short stories and poetry. Pays upon publication. |