Transitions OnlineTransitions (TOL) is a nonprofit organization established to strengthen the professionalism, independence and impact of the news media in the post-communist countries of Europe and the former Soviet Union, through a combination of journalism and media … |
Queen’s QuarterlyA multidisciplinary quarterly journal from Queens University in Ontario. Publishes unpublished articles, essays, reviews, short stories and poetry. Pays upon publication. |
Primary TreasureA spiritually-oriented weekly magazine for children who attend Sabbath School (like Sunday School) at a Seventh-day Adventist Church. Greatest Needs: stories that portray a God who loves children beyond their ability to imagine, a God who gives a child … |
Pyramid MagazineGeneral-interest gaming magazine covering roleplaying, boardgames, card games, strategy games, miniatures, wargames, etc. Pays $0.04 per word. |