Reader’s Digest Canada

Looking for dramatic narratives, inspirational stories, articles about crime, adventure, travel and health issues. Paying market.

Reader’s Digest Australia

Readers Digest pays for the following contributions: Anecdotes and Jokes: $50-$100; Smart Animals: Up to $100; Kindness of Strangers: Up to $150; My Story: $400 (800-1,000 words); Your Deepest Wish: Up to $200.

Random House New Zealand

Publishes about 110 new books each year. The three fiction imprints are Vintage, Black Swan, and Arrow. Non-fiction is published under the Godwit imprint and Random House New Zealand.

Penguin Random House UK

You will not be able to submit a manuscript to Random House UK unless you have a literary agent. Imprints are: Arrow, Century, Chatto & Windus, Ebury, Everyman, Harvill Secker, Hutchinson, Jonathan Cape, Mainstream, Pimlico, Rider, Vermilion, Vinta …