Her Magazine

(Formerly Her Business). A nationwide bi-monthly magazine for women in business. Includes positive articles relating to businesswomen, practical business information, inspiring stories of other women in business and motivating personal growth topics. l …

Your Genealogy Today

A publication for family researchers covering genealogy and family history. Published six times a year. This publication is based in Toronto, Canada, however over 90% of the circulation is in the US with the balance in Canada. Pays $0.08 per word, plus …

Griffith Review

An Australian quarterly of writing and ideas designed to foster and inform public debate. Each edition explores a topical theme from a number of different points of view, with writing from a range of genres – reportage, essay, memoir, fiction and poetr …


A quarterly magazine of new writing. Publishes original literary fiction, non-fiction and journalism. Granta is committed to discovering and publishing the finest new fiction and non-fiction from around the world. They do charge a reading free for subm …