Massage Magazine

An internationally circulated trade publication for massage therapists and allied health professionals. Published six times per year. Pays $50 to $400.

Liguorian Magazine

Catholic print and digital publication. For more than 100-years, Liguorian has been a source of hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance, furthering the mission of the Redemptorists – a religious order founded in 1732. Pays $0.12 to $0.15 per word upo …

LatinJazzClub Magazine

A giant literary cyber-emporium of related music news, articles, interviews, CD reviews and information, LatinJazzClub is a virtual on-line magazine dedicated to the advancement, education and historical preservation of Latin Jazz. Paying market.

Washington Family Magazine

A monthly parenting magazine reaching tens of thousands of local moms and dads in D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. Mostly freelance. 500 to 700 words. Pays an average of $50.