Wildlife Control Technology

Bimonthly magazine committed to serving people actively involved in the nuisance wildlife control field. Articles cover how-to methods articles on trapping and other control techniques for raccoon, skunk, beaver, mole, bat, alligator etc. Pays from $50 …

Western New York Family Magazine

A monthly family magazine containing 64-80 pages per issue. 90% freelance written. Readership is largely composed of families with children ages newborn to 14 years. Articles should address current parenting issues with a Western New York tie-in whenev …

Wavelength Paddling Magazine

Promotes safe, ecologically sensitive paddling, guides paddlers to useful products and services, and explores marine issues. Pays up to $100.

Vestal Review

A literary magazine for flash fiction, published twice per year. They charge a $3 reading fee for general submissions. That payment goes directly towards production of the journal, technology fees, and payment for authors. Contributors receive $50 via …