This EnglandArticles should be non-fiction about England’s people and places – its natural beauty, towns and villages, traditions, odd customs, legends, folklore, surviving crafts, etc. Guidelines no longer available at site. Pays GBP25 per 1,000 words; poems GBP5 … |
Korea TESOL JournalThe Korea TESOL Journal is a refereed academic journal concerned with teaching English as a foreign language and related issues. Non-paying. |
YouthworkerA bi-monthly publication for adults who work with teenagers, serving the personal and professional needs of career youth workers in local churches and the parachurch through thoughtful, in-depth articles. It is published in print, digital and online fo … |
World & I, TheBringing you a world of ideas and ideas of the world. Sections include Current Issues, The Arts, Natural Science, Life (highlighting personalities, food, travel, health, sports, humor, etc.) Books, and Culture. Paying market. |