Third Coast

A university-based literary magazine, published twice annually by the Department of English at Western Michigan University. Accepts submissions of fiction, poetry, essays, drama, book reviews and interviews.


An award-winning management magazine for decision makers in businesses and organizations around the world. It is published by certain member firms of the PwC network. The purpose is to illuminate the complex choices that leaders face — in strategy, mar …

Mysteries Magazine

Accept unsolicited manuscripts related to historical/ancient mysteries, the paranormal, conspiracies, recent archaeological finds, lost treasure, UFOs, new discoveries and scientific breakthroughs, or the occult. Length: 3,000 – 5,000. Query first. Pay …

Woman’s Review of Books, The

Since 1983 the Women’s Review of Books has provided a forum for serious, informed discussion of new writing by and about women. It is published by the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College, in collaboration with Old City Publishing in Philad …