Room Magazine

Canada’s oldest feminist literary magazine, published quarterly since 1975. Room publishes literature, art, and criticism by cis and trans women, trans men, Two-Spirit, and nonbinary people, and is committed to an intersectional feminist mandate centri …


A bimonthly magazine that captures the essence of remote Australia. Looking for real stories about real people and real places that strike a chord with readers. Great experiences; great characters; great accomplishments. Categories include Stations, Di …

New Mexico Magazine

A monthly magazine covering the people, culture, arts, history outdoor recreation and landscape of New Mexico for a highly educated readership from every corner of the world. Article topics include profile, travel, archaeological, historical, humor, So …

Midwifery Today

A quarterly publication for birth practitioners. Emphasizes natural childbirth, breastfeeding, networking and education, fostering communication between practitioners and families, and promoting responsible midwifery and childbirth education around the …