Sailing World

Sailing magazine. The emphasis is on performance sailing: keep in mind that the Sailing World readership is relatively educated about the sport. Average payment is $400 for articles up to 2,000 words.


Australia’s climbing magazine. Pays up to $85 per page, except for cover stories ($125) and Gear Surveys ($170).

Room Magazine

Quarterly literary journal by and about women. Accepting original short stories, poems, creative non-fiction, and art. Room publishes original work by women. Pays $50 for up to 2 pages, $60 for 3 pages, $80 for 4 pages, $100 for 5 pages, $120 for 6+ pa …


A bimonthly magazine that captures the essence of remote Australia. Looking for real stories about real people and real places that strike a chord with readers. Great experiences; great characters; great accomplishments. Categories include Stations, Di …