Automotive Recycling Magazine

A magazine published 6 times a year by the Automotive Recyclers Association aspires to serve the small business people who manage auto recycling facilities. Payment negotiated. Note: Cannot find guidelines at site now.

Atlantic, The

A monthly magazine publishing insights into the worlds of politics, business, the arts, and culture. A leading source of opinion, commentary, and analysis for America’s most influential individuals who wish to be challenged, informed, and entertained. …

Asimov’s Science Fiction

“From its earliest days in 1977 under the editorial direction of Isaac Asimov, Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine has maintained the tradition of publishing the best stories, unsurpassed in modern science fiction, from award-winning authors and first-ti …

Aromatherapy Journal

The journal of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, a non-profit association devoted to the holistic integration and education of aromatherapy into a wide range of complementary healthcare practices including self care and home pharmacy. …