BelizeanJourneys.comAn online subscriber-based magazine that looks into the more remote and unknown worlds of Belize. Goal is to show the charm, wonder, mystery and natural beauty of this small Central American country. Features are 800-1000 words and payment is BZ$200. |
Bear Deluxe Magazine, TheA nationally distributed environmental arts publication published twice per year. Celebrates the big tent theory of literary arts, including investigative reporting, fiction, essay, poetry, news, creative opinion, reviews and interviews in each issue. … |
Beacon PressAn independent publisher of serious non-fiction and fiction. These books often change the way readers think about fundamental issues; they promote such values as freedom of speech and thought; diversity, religious pluralism, and anti-racism; and respec … |
Barcelona Review, TheA literary magazine, accepting submissions for previously unpublished short fiction, essays and articles. Non-paying market. |