
    Griffith Review

    An Australian quarterly of writing and ideas designed to foster and inform public debate. Each edition explores a topical theme from a number of different points of view, with writing from a range of genres – reportage, essay, memoir, fiction and poetr …


    Apex Magazine

    An online prose and poetry magazine of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and mash-ups of all three. Payment for original fiction is $0.06 per word.



    A literary magazine. Publishes mainly fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction. As well, each issue contains a selection of reviews. Payment is $40 per page for poetry and $35 per page for prose, up to a maximum of $500.


    Westerly Magazine

    A literary journal published twice a year in July and November at the Westerly Centre at the University of Western Australia. They publish short stories, micro-fiction, poetry, memoir and creative non-fiction, artwork, essays and literary criticism. Th …