
    Light from the Word

    A daily devotional, published quarterly. Looking for clean, tight, inspirational writing that makes minimal use of first person. Writing must lead readers to discover a biblical truth and apply that truth to their lives. Each devotion contains a title, …


    Wesleyan Publishing House

    Christian publisher. Current categories of publication include deeper devotionals, transformational living, spiritual formation, and pastoral leadership.


    Thomas Nelson

    A Christian publisher with 250 new, original books and Bibles published each year. Thomas Nelson founded his first publishing house in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1798. Now owned by HarperCollins Christian Publishing. Submissions must be made via a literary …



    An online magazine and podcast for young adult women. Café shares stories written by bold young women who write about faith, relationships, advocacy and more. Published by Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Pays $20 per 100 words.