Are you looking for Christian writing markets that pay writers? We've compiled these two lists containing a total of 100 Christian writer's markets that pay for a variety of items including features articles, devotionals, inspirational stories, fiction and more.

Compiled by (November 2020)
Price: $7.95 each
Bundle of Both Volumes I & II: $11.95
These lists are in PDF format, and you will be able to click the links on any listing to go directly to that publication and read their guidelines for writers on the Internet.
Before you buy these lists, please be aware that it is a list. Each listing contains the title, a short description, pay rates (where known), and a link to both the publication and their guidelines. Don't expect a "How To" article on selling your articles to these markets. There isn't one. We assume that anyone buying this report already knows how to write well and how to approach an editor to sell an article.
Here's what you'll receive in total when you buy both Volumes I & II:
- 100 Christian writing markets (50 in each list)
- All are paying markets
- The majority are in North America (mostly based in USA, with 7 from Canada. There are 2 from other countries)
We have divided the 100 markets fairly evenly across two volumes, in order to help those writers who are on a tighter budget or who do not need so many markets immediately.
If you have purchased our Christian writing market lists in the past you will be happy to know that over half of these Christian publications were NOT listed in the previous version.
Some writers don't mind writing for free if their articles are making a difference in people's lives. And that's great… but here is your opportunity to discover some new markets for your writing, make a difference, and be paid for your work.
Discover 100 Christian writing markets today!
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(All prices are shown in USD)
Bundle of 50 Christian Writing Markets - Volumes I & II

50 Christian Writing Markets - Volume I

50 Christian Writing Markets - Volume II

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