You are currently viewing In-Flight Magazines Quick Reference – 3rd Edition

Inflight Magazines Quick Reference3rd Edition is now available!
(August 2012)

This latest edition of our popular In-Flight Magazines Quick Reference PDF lists more than 200 in-flight magazines from airlines around the world.

We have designed this report primarily for freelance writers and photographers who are seeking to work in a freelance capacity with in-flight publications.

The purpose of this report is to help you to quickly identify the airlines and their publications, along with links to their website and publisher's website where applicable.

Since our previous edition, several airlines and their magazines have closed and these have been removed. We have also added around 55 in-flight publications and there are now an additional 20 countries represented in this report.

These publications are organized by airline and region.

For each publication we provide:

  • a direct web link to the airline, and where possible:
  • a link to the magazine online
  • a link to the publisher's web site
  • a link to the writer guidelines (if we could find these online), and
  • a link to contact information.

107 Countries
193 Airlines
212 Publications!

If You Would Like To Do Freelance Work For In-Flight Publications Then This Is A Great Resource For You. You'll Save Weeks Of Time Tracking Down All This Information

To order this report at a special discount during our Earlybird Special please go to Inflight Magazines.

We are also running an Earlybird Promotion from now until Tuesday 28th August 2012.


Gary McLaren

Gary McLaren is the founder of Worldwide Freelance. For more than 25 years, he has been helping authors and freelance writers through his websites, books and other online resources.

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