6 Tips For Marketing Your Book On Reader Communities

As I am sure you already know the Internet and digital publishing have had a huge impact on the publishing industry. But the Internet has also changed the way that many readers find books. These days readers are less likely to choose a book from a reco …

Why Should Writers Use Twitter?

 Who cares if Tanya ate a chocolate éclair four minutes ago? So what if Peter ducked out to pick up the kids from school? I am a busy person and I use my computer for productive work, thank you very much, and certainly not for frivolous socializing, tw …


Freelance Writing Business – Using Your Skills For Self Promotion

This is a guest post by Brandon Cornett. As a freelance writer, you have one of the most useful marketing tools at your disposal. I’m referring, of course, to your writing skills. Your ability to write content efficiently is particularly useful for web …

Green Teacher

A magazine is intended to help teachers, parents, and other educators promote environmental and global awareness among young people from kindergarten through senior high school. Non-paying market, however, writers of articles receive a one-year subscri …