Increase Your Productivity With A Second Monitor

Image by NickposkittHow many times have you wished you had more viewable space on your computer screen? It is so frustrating when you have to keep switching between application windows.

A typical example is when you need to switch between two spreadsheets. Or when you are editing a graphic or image and you need to see the image at a good resolution and the editing tools at the same time.


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Freelance Writing Business – Using Your Skills For Self Promotion

This is a guest post by Brandon Cornett.

As a freelance writer, you have one of the most useful marketing tools at your disposal. I'm referring, of course, to your writing skills. Your ability to write content efficiently is particularly useful for web marketing purposes.

In this article, we will examine some of the ways you can leverage your writing talent to grow your business online. Specifically, we will talk about blogging, article marketing, online press releases and keyword-rich website content.


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Freelance Writing for Business Publications

If you have some expertise in business then you might do well at freelance writing for business publications.

Many business magazines work with freelance writers and they tend to pay quite good rates.

If you have some expertise in business then you might do well at freelance writing for business publications. Many business magazines work with freelance writers and they tend to pay quite good rates. (more…)

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Are You A Six-Figure Writer?

This is a guest post by David Goldsmith from

How many times have you heard about poor, starving writers? Maybe it's time to face the truth. Well, the truth is that not all writers are struggling to put a loaf of bread on the table. As I will show you, some writers are earning a very nice income indeed.

Before we look at the incomes of writers, let's review how freelance writers earn their living. They write articles for magazines, newspapers and web sites. Some concentrate on copywriting or technical writing. And others specialize in writing resumes, short stories, poetry and greeting cards.

The pay that writers receive for their services varies quite widely, however, much more so than for other professions such as teaching or plumbing.

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