4 Ebook Publishing Myths

This is a guest post by David Goldsmith, author of "25 Ways to Write for Money".

This morning before breakfast I checked my email and found an extra hundred dollars in one of my accounts. It was revenue from sales of one of my ebooks overnight.

I confess to living in a time zone far from America so a good percentage of my ebook sales come in just like that. During the daytime in North America, while I am sleeping, someone purchases and downloads one of my ebooks. An email is automatically sent to me, notifying me of the sale.

Each morning I check in to see what happened overnight. I love to see a hundred bucks there. Or two hundred. Or even just fifty. The income varies from day to day but over a month it all adds up to a reasonable amount.

Many people are unsure if there is money to be made in writing and publishing ebooks. Other people are just too afraid to take the first step and get started.

Here are a few myths about ebook publishing.


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What Writers Must Know Now to Make Money Tomorrow

This is a guest post by Jo Ann LeQuang

For centuries, writers have done more or less the same thing: sold their work to publishers who printed and distributed it. The Internet has changed all that. Instead of depending on publishers to take the risk and reap the reward of publication, writers can publish their own work online. This is different than being a "content provider," an underpaid writer who furnishes verbiage to existing sites. This is being an entrepreneur. The writer becomes the publisher. It's not only possible today, it's already happening.

A lot of writers struggle to cope. Traditional publishing opportunities are drying up at the same time that Internet writing assignments, though plentiful, are paying even less than the peanuts writers used to earn.

Some writers give up, others move on to different careers, and a few others hack their way as best they can through the new jungle of low-paying, fast turnaround gigs.

This might sound glum, and, indeed, many writers have taken it so. But rather than seeing the new content provider role as a demotion, what if writers peeked behind the curtain? The fact is that the world, for writers at least, has changed.

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How Do You Write Poetry?

This is a guest post by A K Whitehead.

The very short answer is: don't write at all unless you have to. The short answer is: in numerous different ways. A somewhat longer answer is: find the way that best suits you - that comes only from experience.

But, one might reasonably ask, what different methods are there which can be tried in order to get started? Well...

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Freelance Writers: How to Stay Focused on Developing Your Writing Career

This is a guest post by Suzanne Lieurance.

One question I hear over and over again from the writing students I coach is, "How do I get focused and stay that way?"

That's a good question. Even seasoned professional freelancers have trouble staying focused from time to time. And they usually find their writing careers start to suffer when that happens.

Here are some tips for getting focused on developing your freelance writing career and staying that way.


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