Freelance Like a Farmer

This is a guest post by Beth Ann Erickson.

I began my illustrious freelance career with visions of tweed coats, elbow patches, cigars, and pensive photos. My mind's eye saw a cluttered office, checks strewn across my desk, and waking to one illuminating thought after another. I believed I'd tap at the keyboard, mail queries, read my articles on glossy paper, and assignments would flow like water.

Small problem with that scenario. Tweed coats don't look good on me. I don't smoke, never have. And I usually wind up looking goofy in photos, no matter how hard I try to strike a pensive pose.

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Writing For Health Magazines

Freelance writing for health publications will not only keep you on the edge of the latest trends and advice for maintaining a healthy mind and body - it can also be healthy for your bank account.

Freelance writers produce articles covering a range of diverse topics including nursing, disabilities, diseases, prevention and cure, health research and education, alternative treatments and more.

On the technical writing side medical writers also work in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, writing materials that include regulatory documents, investigative drug brochures, and clinical study protocols.


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Writing for Local Businesses

This is a guest post by Nick Daws.

Many writers concentrate all their efforts on trying to sell their work to national publishers and magazines. And yet, by doing so they are overlooking a huge potential market which is literally on their own doorstep.

There are many small and medium-sized businesses who at times would appreciate the help of a writer, yet have no idea how to go about finding one.


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