You are currently viewing 10 Literary Publications for Writers
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Are you interested in writing for literary journals? Here are ten literary publications for writers to consider.

The Antioch Review, USA
One of the oldest, continuously publishing literary magazines in America. They publish fiction, essays, and poetry from both emerging as well as established authors. Pays $20 per printed page (about 425 words) plus 2 copies of the issue. 

Banipal, UK
A magazine of translation, exclusively featuring authors from the Arab world. Most of the works translated are commissioned, from works that have already appeared  in the original languages in a published form, in books, magazines, newspapers or in on-line media. A minority of works published are written originally in English.

Boulevard, USA
A magazine dedicated to publishing literature of the highest quality, published by Saint Louis University. Strives to publish only the finest in fiction, poetry, and non-fiction. "While we frequently publish writers with previous credits, we are very interested in less experienced or unpublished writers with exceptional promise." 

Brick, Canada
An international literary journal published twice a year out of Toronto, filled with invigorating and challenging literary essays, interviews, memoirs, travelogues, belles lettres, and unusual musings. Pays $55–660, depending on the length, plus two copies of the issue the work appears in and a one-year subscription to the magazine.

Colorado Review, USA
A national literary journal featuring contemporary fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and book reviews. Considers short fiction and personal essays with contemporary themes. No genre fiction or literary criticism. Also publishes poetry. Only considers previously unpublished work. Pays $10 per page ($30 minimum) for poetry and $200 for short stories and essays.

Cordite Poetry Review, Australia
A bi-annual poetry and poetics journal presenting new works by contemporary Australian and international poets. Pays Australian contributors.

Geometry, New Zealand
An international literary endeavour in print and digital forms. "We seek to publish outstanding literature from our home country, Aotearoa New Zealand, and from around the world." Welcomes the submission of original, unpublished, literary work. Pays $10 to 50 for poetry and $0.01 to $0.03 per word for fiction and nonfiction. Contributors will also receive one free copy of the printed journal.

The Georgia Review, USA
The University of Georgia’s journal of arts and letters, published quarterly since 1947. Publishes an eclectic blend of essays, fiction, poetry, graphics, and book reviews. Pays $50 per printed page for prose and $4 per line for poetry. No submissions during May 15 to August 15.

Granta, UK
A quarterly magazine of new writing. Publishes original literary fiction, non-fiction and journalism. Granta is committed to discovering and publishing the finest new fiction and non-fiction from around the world. Paying market. Note: They are currently trialing a fee paid by writers on some submission categories. The

Massachusetts Review, USA
Independent quarterly of literature, the arts, and public affairs. Seeks a balance between established writers and promising new ones. Pays $50 honorarium. Authors also receive two complimentary contributor’s copies.

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Gary McLaren

Gary McLaren is the founder of Worldwide Freelance. For more than 25 years, he has been helping authors and freelance writers through his websites, books and other online resources.

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